徐志摩散文显示出诗、小说与散文的相渗相融 ,闪耀着潇洒、自由的个性风采 ;他既追求情感的互渗性 ,又重视美学的移情作用 ,故其散文注重表现情景交融的诗境 ,心物合一的妙境 ,主客贯通的化境。他认为宇宙的生命精神蕴藏在生活本体和大自然中 ,因而 ,他的散文注重歌颂大自然和生活本体的主体———人的生命精神。徐志摩重视艺术中所迸发的思想火花 ,宣扬人道主义精神 ,鼓吹为社会奉献的精神 ,这种思想是积极的。
By combining the characteristics of poetry, prose and fiction Xu Zhimo creates a unique literary genre, which,at the same time, reflects his own free and unrestrained individuality. In his works, Xu Zhimo aims at transfusing and exchanging feelings. Thus, his proses present a poetic world with a perfect harmony between feelings and settings, between the subject and object. Xu Zhimo believes that the life force lies in life itself and nature. Therefore, his prose is a tribute to nature and the vitality of man. Xu Zhimo pays special attention to the inspirations in literary creation. He advocates humanism and wholehearted dedication to the society , which is positive and optimistic.
Journal of Anhui Normal University(Hum.&Soc.Sci.)