《书屏记》是司空图一篇重要书法论文 ,据该文所述 ,司空图曾仔细阅读过唐代著名书法学家李嗣真的《书品》和书法家徐浩有关书法的评论 ,而徐浩《论书》直接引用过《文心雕龙·风骨》篇中一段文字 ,由此推证 ,司空图以“品”论诗 ,盖受到刘勰“八体”说等观点的影响。
Shu Ping Ji is an important article on calligraphy written by Sikong Tu. According to it, he had read Style of Poetry written by Li Sizhen, a famous calligrapher in Tang Dynasty and some comments on calligrapher of Xu Hao, also a calligrapher. Meanwhile, Xu Hao had quoted some lines from Wen Xin Diao Long · Feng Gu. So it can be infered that he commented on poems from the point of 'style' , which was influenced by 'Eight Styles' of Liu Xie.
Journal of Anhui Normal University(Hum.&Soc.Sci.)