胶体密封铅蓄电池的密封工作原理跟AGM式密封电池是相同的 ,但给正极析出的氧到达负极提供的通道是不同的 ,因而结构和工艺也就不同。在电池容量、大电流放电能力、氧气复合效率诸特性方面 ,两种电池是相近的 ;
The sealed operational principle of gelled eletrolyte VRLA battery is identical with VRLA battery with AGM,but the pathes for oxygen evolved from anodes to cathodes are different,so the battery construction and technology are also different.The characteristics of battery capacity,high rate discharging ability and oxygen recombination efficiency for the two types of VRLA battery are similar,but the service life and protection from thermal runaway for gel VRLA battery are better than those for VRLA battery with AGM.
Chinese LABAT Man