从马克思唯物史观正确解决社会历史观的基本问题 ,唯物史观关于物质生产劳动对人类社会发展的决定作用 ,以及唯物史观建构了人类社会历史发展的完整的理论构架三方面 ,较深刻地论述了唯物史观是反映普遍真理、是科学的、完整的历史观 ,是无产阶级及其广大人民群众强大的思想武器 。
Historical materialism explains the decisive function for social development of material producing and laboring and constructs the perfect theory to the development of social history.It states that historical materialism is a scientific and full historical conception which reflects general truth and is a kind of strong weapon composed by the proletariat and masses.The creation of materialist conception of history is a revolution in social history fields of philosophy
Journal of Lanzhou Higher Polytechnical College