青藏铁路要通过 5 5 0 km的多年冻土带 ,其中昆仑山隧道是全线最长的冻土隧道 ,冻土区域广阔 ,工程艰苦 ,技术难度大。根据冻土不同的稳定程度 ,可采用不同的设计原则 ,本文阐述了几种设计原则 ,并研究制定了有关路基施工、桥涵施工、隧道施工等方面的施工方案。
The Qing-Zang Railway should be constructed passing through 550 km multi-year tundra,including the Kunlunshan Tunnel which is the longest tunnel with frozen soil in the whole railway line.Due to the wide range of the tundra,the construction works are very difficult and the construction technologies aer very complex.Diffetent design principles may be adopted according to different degree of stability of the tundre.The paper expounds several design principles,research and work out several construction schemes concerned with the construction of subgrade,bridge and culvert,tunnel,etc.
Journal of Railway Engineering Society