主要讨论了利用 L on Works现场总线技术来实现城市污水处理厂污水处理系统的实时控制。本系统采用IPC和 PL C控制结构对现场的各种设备进行实时控制和数据的采集 ,通过 L on Works现场总线网络自动收集和传输污水处理系统的数据到中心控制室 ,中心控制室的计算机分析数据后对现场进行实时监控 ,实现污水处理的自动控制和无人化管理。中心控制室也可以通过 Internet与远程终端互相通讯 ,向各终端提供实时的数据和远程终端对污水处理系统的实时监控。
The application of field bus technology based on LonWorks to the factory of municipal sewage processing is discussed in this article.The field equipments are controlled and the field datum are collected automatically by IPC and PLC,and the datum processed can be transmitted automatically to control center.The computers of control center observe and supervise and also control the field operation.Using this technology,we can realize real time control of sewage processing with no person.The control center can communicate with remote terminals via Internet.By this means,the remote control terminals can observe and control the local network.
Chongqing Environmental Science