对科技资源投入、成果产出和科技产业发展的比较分析表明 ,南京科技人才资源丰富 ,但是企业作为科技投资主体的地位没有完全确立 ,科技资金投入量不足 ,资金投入方向不尽合理 ,导致科研开发与科技成果产业化脱节 ,科技成果有效产出水平低 ,制约了科技成果产业化程度。创造和提升南京科技竞争力 ,必须强化企业的科技投入和研发主体地位 ,提高科技成果的有效产出和产业化水平。建议以企业为主体 ,科研机构、高等院校为两翼 ,政府部门为后盾 ,改善政策环境 ,群策群力 ,形成科技投入。
Comparing and analyzing the devotion of science and technology with its output and the development of technological ind ustry shows: the technological person with ability in Nanjing is resourceful, bu t the corporation's station as a main body investing in science and technology i sn't established, the devotion of the technological fund is deficient, and the d irection of the devoted fund is unreasonable, which result in that the exploitat ion of scientific research is out of joint with the industrialization of technol ogical production,the efficient production is low and the degree of its industr ialization is restricted. In or der to create and upgrade the competitive power of science and technology of Nan jing, we must strength the corporation's station as a main body that devote and exploder science and technology, improve the effective production of science and technology, heighten the degree of its industrialization. We suggest building a developed system of technology, in which the corporate is body, scientific rese arch-organization and academy are two wings and the government is supporter. We must ameliorate the policy-circumstance and pool the wisdom and efforts of every one, the system can turn to a system whose devotion and output of science and te chnology and industrialization of the output is incorporate.
Nanjing Journal of Social Sciences