2 0世纪 80年代中期以来 ,江苏省民营科技企业在体制改革和制度创新中开始了它的发展历程。在创新中发展起来的民营科技企业 ,面对加入WTO后更加激烈的市场竞争 ,必须不断创新才能进一步发展。创新首先要进行企业制度创新 ,而企业制度创新的关键在于产权制度创新 。
Since the mid 80's of the 20th century, nongovernmental enterprises of science and technol ogy in Jiangsu have started their course of development with the system reforming and i nnovation. Nongovernmental enterprises of science and technology which developed with the innovation have to face the more intense market competition and keep on innovati ng to develop further. First of all, there must be the innovation of enterprise system . The crux of the matter is the innovation of property right. Then there must be the innova tion of management and encouragement.
Nanjing Journal of Social Sciences