简要介绍公文流转型MIS系统的特点、Lotus Notes的优势,阐述《宜昌超高压管理处办公自动化系统》的设计思想、设计方案、系统实现,并对开发过程中灵活设置公文流转、自动会签功能及利用文档链接技术简化流程等关键问题的解决方法和技巧提出见解.
A brief introduction to the feature of management information system(MIS) of document circulation type;and the advantages of Lotus Notes,are presented. The design thoughts and plans of 'The Office Automation System for Yichang Extra-high Tension Administrative Office'are described. Furthermore,some new ideas about the solution to some key problems like setting up such functions as circulating document, signing document automatically in the course of the system development, and simphfing process with the help of file chaining technique are also suggested. .
Journal of China Three Gorges University:Natural Sciences