提出了采用多零位信号自动消除大量程光栅尺计数累积误差的方法 ,并通过在光栅尺的非零位处对计数值和清零次数的修改 ,解决了引入零位信号后光栅尺的绝对位移难以求取的问题 ,通过采用逐步检测的方法判断计数值是否被误清零而出错 ,并根据出错前的计数值让光栅尺通过最近的零位 。
This paper focuses on the way grating is counted by GAL and microcontroller. A method for eliminating accumulative error by using more than one zero point of grating is presented, and by modifying the counter and zero times of grating in non zero point, the problem to get the absolute displacement is solved. When grating is applied, it is easy to clear by mistake under noise setting, and if it is driven by step motor, this mistake can be judged by verifying the counter's change of every step. The counter can be restored automatically if the grating passes the nearest zero point according to the counter before mistakes happen.