结合国家九五重大技术装备研制和国产化专题—甲烷气透平膨胀压缩机组的开发 ,从确保系统安全性角度出发 ,设计一套独立的由智能调节器、可编程逻辑控制器、机组状态监测系统及工业控制计算机组成的开放型集散控制系统。研究系统的总体构架 ,提出并实现一套完整的从硬件到软件的控制系统解决方案。通过现场调试与运行测试 ,系统运行稳定可靠 ,达到了设计目的。
With the developing of the methane turbine expander compressor used in ethylene cracking equipment which belongs to the key subproject of the research and development of high technical equipment and its localization from 9th National Five Year Research Program of Science Technology,and with its openness and safety fully considered,we designed an independent distributed control system,which is composed of intelligent controller,programmable logic controller,status monitor and industrial computer.This paper introduces the general structure of the control system and proposes a whole set of solutions consisting of hardware and software.Through the field test and operation,the system is proved to be reliable and stable.
Control and Instruments in Chemical Industry