学术界的浮躁之风的形成有职称晋升、研究生培养、学术成果评价等制度方面的原因 ,但学术期刊在这股歪风的形成过程中也起了一定的助长作用。面对学术界的浮躁之风 ,学术期刊必须负起对学术成果严格把关的责任、甄别与抵制弄虚作假行为的责任、维护崇高的学术声誉的责任。为此 ,学术期刊必须努力培养一支富有科学理性精神和较强业务能力的学者型编辑队伍 ,努力把好审稿关 ,充分利用现代信息技术鉴别学术研究中的弄虚作假行为 ,为遏制学术界的这股不正之风作出自己应有的贡献。
Many factors have contributed to the currently prevailing academic impetuousness, such as the existing systems and practices concerning academic promotion, postgraduate training and academic evaluation, but it is also obvious that it is academic journals that have added fuel to the flames. Therefore, in the face of academic impetuousness, academic journals must shoulder the responsibilities of controlling academic quality, resisting academic fraudulence and protecting academic excellence. To achieve these goals, excellent editorial staff must be trained who are scientifically minded, academically and professionally qualified.
Journal of Yancheng Teachers University(Humanities & Social Sciences Edition)