目的 探讨肺结节病的肺泡Ⅱ型细胞CD4 4的表达与其发病机制的关系。方法 对 2 1例肺结节病、5例结核病、3例Wegener肉芽肿、4例特发性肺纤维化和 8份正常肺组织行活组织检查 ,行肺泡上皮总数 (AE1 /AE3)和CD4 4的免疫组化染色。 3个显微镜高倍视野为观察范围 ,以AE1 /AE3标记阳性细胞即肺泡上皮总数为基数 ,观察肺泡上皮的CD4 4阳性细胞数、以及肺泡上皮总数和CD4 4的计数比率。结果 结节病组的肺泡上皮总数为 1 1 0± 32 ,肺泡上皮CD4 4的计数为 84± 6 ,与正常组的肺泡上皮总数 (70± 1 7)和CD4 4计数 (1 8± 4)比较 ,差异有显著性 (P <0 0 0 1 )。CD4 4阳性表达于肺泡上皮膜上 ,且以肺泡Ⅱ型细胞为主。结论 结节病时肺泡上皮细胞增多 ,伴有肺泡上皮细胞膜的CD4 4高表达 ,且以Ⅱ型细胞为主 。
Objective To study the expression of CD 44 in pneumocytes in pulmonary sarcoidosis Methods CD 44 and AE 1/AE 3 were detected by immunostaining in lung tissues from 21 cases of pulmonary sarcoidosis, 5 cases of tuberculosis, 4 cases of idiopathic interstitial fibrosis, 3 cases of Wegener′s granulomatosis and 8 normal controls The numbers of CD 44 positive cells and AE 1/AE 3 positive cells (total alveolar epithelial cells) per three high power fields were counted, and the ratio of CD 44 cells to AE 1/AE 3 cells (84±6) were calculated Results The total number of alveolar epithelial cells (110±32) and the density of CD 44 cells were significantly higher in sarcoidosis than in the normal lungs CD 44 (18±4) staining was localized in the pneumocyte membrane and the positive cells were mostly type Ⅱ peumocytes as confirmed by histology Conclusion Proliferation of pneumocytes and increased expression of CD 44 in pneumocyte membrane, especially in the type Ⅱ pneumocytes, may play an important role in lung inflammation and repair in pulmonary sarcoidosis
Chinese Journal of Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases