目的 :调查牡丹江农村地区癫痫的病因。方法 :对经神经科专业医师确诊的癫痫患者进行问卷调查 ,以明确癫痫病因。结果 :多数病人属特发癫痫 (6 0 .76 % ) ,症候性癫痫的病因以寄生虫感染、热性惊厥和脑炎为主 ,脑血管疾病、脑肿瘤和母亲姓娠期用药与癫痫发作亦有关。结论 :不同病因对癫痫发作次数无明确影响 。
Objective:To investigate epileptic etiology in Mudanjiang area.Method:By surveying the questionnaires from the epileptics which have been diagnosed by specialists,we can make certain the inducements of this disease.Results:Fist,most patients should be put into a category of idiopathic epilepsy;second,a symptomatic etiology is mainly induced by the parasitic infection,febrile and CNS infection;at 1ast,taking medications on cerebrovascular disease,brain tumor and mother's gestation also have relationship with epilep syseizure.Conclusions:Different pathogenesis have no certain effects on the frequency of epilepsy seizure,while they have relationship with the age of initial seizure.
Journal of Mudanjiang Medical University
WHO资助的 <中国农村地区癫痫防治管理示范项目>