目的 :探讨以躯体症状为主诉的和以情感症状为主诉的抑郁症病人的差异。方法 :采用自编“抑郁症病人深入访谈提纲”和HAMD、HAMA对 6 2例抑郁症病人进行访谈和评定。结果 :抑郁症病人最常见的躯体症状主诉为食欲下降 ( 6 7 7% )、入睡困难 ( 6 6 1% )、胸闷 ( 5 8 1% )、心慌 ( 5 4 8% )和肢体乏力 ( 4 5 4% ) ,并且躯体化组病人在教育程度与个性特征、求医方式、接受诊断标签等方面与情感症状为主的抑郁症病人比较有显著差异 ;88 7%的抑郁症病人较病前工作能力下降 (平均下降 5 1 5 % )。结论 :以躯体症状为主诉的和以情感症状为主诉的抑郁症病人在文化教育程度、性格。
Objective:to study help seeking behavior of depressive patients presented as somatic complaints.Method:62 patients with depression presented with somatic complaints in general hospital and 33 presented with depressive mood in psychiatric clinics were collected. All subjects received assessment with HAMA, HAMD and a research interview.Result:depressive patients in general hospital mainly complained as poor appetite (68%), difficult in falling in sleep (66%), chest discomfort (58%), palpitation (55%), and fatigue (45%). They were different significantly to depressive patients to psychiatric clinics in level of education, help seeking behavior, illness attribution. 55 of them complained loss half of their work capacity.Conclusion:depressive patients presented as somatic complaints in general hospital consist a separate subgroup with depressive disorders.
Chinese Mental Health Journal