加强新时期军事斗争准备 ,抓好装备保障人才队伍建设 ,必须从确立以战斗力为标准的新思想和新观念 ,多管齐下 ,拓宽人才建设的路子 ,创造有利于人才成长的良好环境三方面入手 ,在引进高素质人才、优化用人环境、保障人才的良性循环上下功夫 ,以推动装备人才向更高层次发展。
New idea and concept for standardized combat effectiveness,widening structure of talented person by multi-lines and developing favourable enviornment for maturing of the talented will achieve the guarantee for equipment and structure of the talented,thus,high quality talented can be introduced,enviornment for proper choose of the talented can be optimized,benign circle for talented guarantee can be achieved and higher administrative levels of equipment and the talented will come true.
China Shiprepair