目的 探讨难治性原发性高血压的方法。 方法 对 12 6例经内科常规治疗无效或效果不显著的病人 ,采用 2 4小时动态血压监测指导下的个体化联合药物治疗方案。 结果 显效 10 6例 (84 12 % ) ,有效 16例(12 6 9% ) ,有效率为 96 81%。无效仅 3 2 % (4例 )。 结论 针对具体病人进行病因、类型、特点分析并正确选择用药 。
Objective To investigate the therapeutics of the obstinate hypertension Methods The clinical data of 126 primary obstinate hypertension were analyzed The treatment of all patients was guided by the 24 hours ABPM Results 106 patients had a good curative effect(84 12%),other 16 cases were effective(12 69%),they had a 96 81% cure rate,noneffcective patients only 4 cases(3 2%) Conclusion According to the blood pressure and reaction of drugs which were tested by 24 hour ABPM The effective therapeutics might be selected for treatment of the primary obstinate hypertension
Practical Journal of Cardiac Cerebral Pneumal and Vascular Disease