国家和社会分属两类不同的组织形态 ,性质和职能并不相同。社会主义市场经济的建立 ,要求和促使国家与社会适度分离 ,并由此导致在我国国家和社会正在经历从一元化到二元化的过程。国家与社会的适度分离和互动发展 ,又反过来为我国社会主义市场经济提供更加适宜的生存和发展空间。
State and civil society are separately belonged to two generic different organizational system,and their character and funcion are different.The construction of economy of social market demands and urges state and society reasonably separating,which leads our state and society are experiencing the process from monism to duality.On the other hand,the separation and interactive development of civil society and state provides more suitably living and developmental space.
Journal of Shandong University of Science and Technology(Social Sciences)