党校图书馆建设应注重传统图书馆与数字图书馆共存互补 ,以传统图书馆为中心和基础 ,以数字图书馆为发展方向 ;读者服务工作要充分利用现代化的设备和资源 ,运用现代数字多媒体、网络技术 ;图书馆员所掌握的知识要从手工阶段的图书馆学知识转变为网络时代的图书馆学知识、信息知识和网络知识等构成的新的知识结构。
In building the Party school library,attention should be paid to coexistence and complementation of the traditional library and the digital one ,with the traditional library being both the centre and the basis and the digital one being orientation of development.Service to readers should be offered through good use of modern equipment and resources,digital multi-media and network skill.The librarians must master new knowledge including new knowledge of librarianship in the network era, information and network.
Journal of Shanxi Provincial Committee Party School of C.P.C