WTO作为各成员国或地区之间贸易自由化政策与贸易保护政策的矛盾结合体 ,对我国“入世”后的法律需求呈现出矛盾性。我国应当从矛盾的两个方面 ,就自由与干预、接轨与对抗、趋利与避害的法律需求 ,研究符合我国国情和利益的对策。
As an embodiment of the conflicts between its member countries and regions in trade liberalization policies and trade protectionism policies, the WTO has conflicting demand of laws from China after China's accession to the WTO. China should, after examining her particular conditions, make appropriate response for her own benefits in terms of liberalization and intervention, harmonization and conflicts, benefit-seeking and harm-avoiding.