单层开采、全煤巷布置方式的大型现代化煤矿在煤巷掘进生产过程中 ,为降低主运输巷带式输送机的运转费用和提高综掘设备的开机率 ,需要采用水平机械煤仓来起缓冲作用。对于使用性较强的V型底板结构形式的机械煤仓 ,底板倾角的大小一方面影响仓中的煤能否从仓体中顺利溜出 ;另一方面会影响到仓体中的煤对仓下转运出煤设备产生的压力大小。文中对其做了较为详细的分析研究 ,得出了水平机械煤仓V型底板倾斜角合理的取值范围是 4 5~ 5 5°。
In digging coal road production process of single layer mining and full coal tunnel collocation at large modernization coal mine,the level mechanical coal bin is used for buffer so that the cost of main belt conveyor operation can be decreased and usage efficiency of synthesizd mechanical digging equipment increased.For the level mechanical coal bin with V form soleplate has better usage,the bevel angle of the soleplate is an important factor,on the one hand, which affects that the coal can or not successful slip out of the bin and on the other hand the pressure produced by coal in storage on the transportation equipment which is under the bin.The paper makes a detailed analysis and study,and puts out that the reasonable value range of the bevel angle of V form soleplate of the level mechanical coal storage is 45°~55°.
Coal Technology