目的 观察疝环充填式无张力疝修补术治疗老年腹股沟疝的效果。方法 采用聚丙烯锥形网塞、网片作修补材料 ,对 3 5例老年腹股沟疝病人进行无张力修补治疗。对手术方法及时间、术后病人自主能力的恢复、并发症、复发率等进行观察。结果该术式方法简便 ,手术创伤小 ,术后恢复快 ,住院时间短 ,并发症少 ,复发率低 ;随访 1~ 2 4个月 ,无 1例复发。结论 疝环充填式无张力疝修补术近期疗效满意 。
Objective To evaluate the therapeutic effects of plug mesh tension free hernia repair in inguinal hernia for the elder. Methods A total of 35 elderly patients with inguinal hernia were treated with plug mesh tension free hernia repair with Marlex Mesh PerFix Plug. The operative procedure, ability recovery, postoperative pain, complications and recurrence rate were studied. Results The plug mesh tension free hernia repair had more advantages than the traditional hernia repair, such as easier surgical performance, less damage, faster recovery, shorter period of hospitalization, fewer complications and lower recurrence. During 1~24 months of follow up, no recurrence was seen. Conclusion Recent outcomes of plug mesh tension free hernia repair were satisfactory for old patients with inguinal hernia and should be recommended for practice.
Journal of Third Military Medical University