The Xiayingfang district(N45′, E118°41′), pingquan county, Hebei Province, is located at the northeastern edge of the North China Plain. It is a middle-low hilly area in the eastern section of the Yanshan Mountains. In this district the glacial polished-striated pebbles have distinct features and many types, such as turtle back-like striated pebbles, pentagon iron-like flat pebbles, wedge-shaped arrow head-like pebbles and bullet-liked pebbles. Of these the most characteristic one is the turtle back-like striated pebble. Glacial polished-striated pebbles are mainly located in the foothills on either side of the Boluoshugou gully, at the heightof about 500 m above sea level. The pebbles are scattered intermittently in a belt about 10 km long. The discovery of glacial polished-striated pebbles provides important evidence for studying the Quaternary glaciers, paleoclimates, paleoenvironments in eastern China, so is of great scientific significance.
Geological Review