本文记述中国宽蛾属昆虫 8种 ,其中包括 3新种和 3中国新记录种 .并绘制了新种和新记录种的外生殖器特征图 ,编制了分种检索表 .模式标本保存在南开大学生物学系 .申氏宽蛾 Depressaria sheni Wang et Li新种 (图 1~ 2 )翅展 2 3.5~ 2 6 .5 mm.正模 ,河南内乡宝天曼 ,1 35 0 m,1 998- -1 3,李后魂采 .副模 :8 ,采集资料同正模 :1 ,1♀ ,黑龙江省黑河市 ,1 70 m,1 997- -2 6 ,李后魂采 .本种与 Depressaria basicostata Matsumura相似 ,但可通过下列特征区别 :雄性外生殖器抱器腹端突端部光裸 ,末端钝尖 ,阳茎中部具微刺 ;雌性外生殖器囊突呈菱形 .考宽蛾 Depressaria koskjuki Lvovsky中国新记录 (图 3~ 4 )研究标本 :1 ,1 993- -4 ,1♀ ,1 987- -9,甘肃榆中兴隆山 ,2 1 2 0 m,李后魂采 .分布 :甘肃 ,俄罗斯 .壮瓣宽蛾 Depressaria valida Wang et Li新种 (图 5~ 6 )翅展 1 3.0~ 2 3.0 mm.正模 ,陕西宁陕火地塘 ,1 6 2 0 m,1 990 - -1 6 ,李后魂采 ;副模 3♀♀ ,采集资料同正模 .本种与 Depressaria basicostalia Matsumura近似 ,但新种的雄性抱瓣宽短 ,抱器腹端突出自腹缘基部 3/5 ;雌性囊突靠近交配囊的一侧 ,形状为不规则长菱形 .新瓣宽蛾 Depressaria varivalvata Wang et Li?
The genus Depressaria Haworth from China is systematically studied in the present paper. Of the eight species reported here, three species (D. sheni Wang et Li, sp. nov., D. valida Wang et Li, sp. nov. and D. varivalvata Wang et Li, sp. nov.) are described as new to science and three species (D. kostjuki Lvovsky, D. golovushkini Lvovsky and D. artemisiae Nickerl) are recorded for the first time from China. The genital structures of the new species and the new record species are figued. Key to the known Chinese species is given.$$$$
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Nankaiensis
the NSFC for the Special Program( No. 1 0 8)