去噪声是进行辐射校正的重要手段,国内外已进行了大量的研究,开发了多种手段,对去除 图像上的一般噪声是切实有效的,但对于去除焦作矿区航空多光谱扫描图像上的噪声,用传统的 去噪声软件,效果很不理想,开发去噪声的新软件是非常必要的。结合航空多光谱扫描片上噪声 分布特征,开发的去噪声新软件功能全面,效果显著。
To remove noise is a very important method for radiometric correction. A great deal of research have been done, and a lot of useful methods were developed for removing noise on Landsat images. As to the noise of aerial MSS image of Jiaozhu coal mine area can not get good result if we treat them with traditional method to remove noise. So it is urgent to develop a new method. According to the characteristics of noise on aerial MSS, we developed a new method to remove such noise and the result was very good.
Remote Sensing for Land & Resources