讨论了热电联产采暖的技术方案 ,按照现行价格和经济评价方法对长春地区采暖系统实现热电联产进行了分析计算。对于采暖面积 2 0× 10 4~ 80× 10 4m2 ,采暖实现热电联产每年不但可以节约 14 87~ 5 90 6t标准煤 ,还可节约 14 5 .9~ 5 80 .1万元能源费 ;投资回收年限 5 .5 0~ 6 .0 3年 ,贷款偿还年限 7.18~ 8.10年。敏感性分析表明 ,采暖实现热电联产具有足够的承担经济风险能力。用现有热电联产经济评价方法 ,能为企业在自身条件下计算得出减少能耗和运行成本的适当措施。
In this thesis, the technical plan that should be taken in a heating and power production cogeneration system(HPCS) has been discussed. According to current prices and the economical evaluation methods, detailed evaluation calculation of HPCS with (20~80)×10 4 m 2 heating area in Changchun districts has been finished. It can been seen from the result of calculation that for only one enterprise, not only lots of fuel (1 486 to 5 906 tons of standard coal) can be annually saved for the society by HPCS, but also abundant cost of energy consumption (1459 to 5801 thousand Yuans) can be cut down for the enterprise each year. Repayment term of the investment of HPCS is about 5.50 to 6.03 years. Repayment term of the credit of HPCS is from 7.18 to 8.10 years. The economical sensitivity analysis indicates that HPCS possesses enough ability to assume economic risks. Present economical evaluation methods for HPCS has been also explained in this thesis in detail so that enterprises can compute their own conditions to fine a proper measure to reduce their energy consumption and operating cost.
Gas & Heat
heat and power cogeneration
technical and economical analysis