本文扼要介绍了淤泥质海岸半封闭港池泥沙回淤特点及现有的计算方法。 通过因次分析,探讨了计算半封闭港池平均回淤强度的一般形式, 基于实验研究结果和若干现场观测资料,提出港内无浅滩和有浅滩两种情况下半封闭港池回淤强度计算关系式。 计算结果与实际资料进行比较,两者在量级和趋势上均较吻合。
This paper makes brief deseription on the characteristics of deposition in a coastal semiclosed basin with silty bed and gives the relevant up-to-date calculation methods.By use of dimensional analysis, this paper presents investigation on the general methods of calculating the deposited quantily for a semi-closed basin. With reference to the experimental results and some in-situ measured data, the author gives the relationship expressions for calculating the depositing intensity in a semi-closed basin.Herein, two conditions have been taken into consideration, in which the one existed shoals and the another none.By comparison, the caleulated results are fairly related to the measured data both in dimensional quantily and in tendency.
Port & Waterway Engineering