In order to study the cause of mental deterioration and increase of plaques and tangles in the basal forebrain in Alzheimer's disease, we have used isolated neural cells from the nuclei of amygdala (A), the hippocampus(H), the nuclei of medial septum (S), and the basal nuclei of Meynert (M) of basal forebrain, and the retina (R) of newborn rats, to study the effect of cellular interactions on the growth activity of these cells. The growth activity was measured quantitatively using MTT colorimetric microassay method. The MTT results revealed that, after 3 days of culture, the most active cell growth were found in mixed cultures of A+H and H+R reaching up to 212% and 270% of their respective individual control cultures (p<0.01) and the next active cell growth were found in mixed cultures of A+R, A+S, H+S, and S+R reaching up to 157%,153%,192% and 158% of their respective individual control cultures (P<0.01). Further, we had observed that conditioned medium from amygdala (Ac) could activate H cell growth activity to 186% (P<0.05).Conditioned media from medial septum(Sc), retina(Rc), hippocampus (Hc), and nuclei of Meynert (Mc) could also activate A cell growth activity to 150%,144%,137% and 133%, respectively (P<0.01). Morphologically individual control cultures from A composed mainly of large round cells (15 μm), from H mainly of small ronnd cells (5-7 μm), from S of large and irregular cells (10-20 μm), from M of small round cells as well as large fusiform or polygonal shaped cells, and from R of inactive small round cells (5-7 μm). In mixed cultures or cultures with conditioned medium the number of active and large cells increased, some with cell processes. These results were consistent with those of MTT. These results indicated that the growth activities of A cells could be stimulated by growth factor (s)from S, R, H, and M regions. Therefore, we concluded that our study of the possible growth factor (s) from A, H, R, and S might be able to contribute to the investigation of the development and the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease.
Acta Anatomica Sinica
Croucher Foundation
Research Grant Council
Basal forebrain
Neural cell
Nerve growth factor
MTT colorimetric microassay