位于苏州A型花岗岩主体相晚阶段衍生物 (碱长花岗岩 )上部 ,基本上由新矿物———氟铁云母组成的单矿物岩 ,具有独特的产状、结构、构造、岩石化学、矿物学、地球化学和成矿作用特征。种种典型的宏观、微观地质特征和合成氟铁云母的实验资料揭示 ,氟铁云母岩主要是从A型花岗岩浆演化至晚阶段熔离出来的富F ,Fe和亲石性矿化元素及富碱性元素 (且K >>Na)而相对贫水的高温硅酸盐熔体中直接结晶固化所成。氟铁云母岩应属一种新的岩浆岩 ,依产地命名为姑苏岩。姑苏岩拟归入岩浆云英岩范畴为宜。提出了包括姑苏岩、含黄玉的石英 -氟铁云母云英岩(苏州岩 )和氟铁云母碱长花岗岩等在内的苏州A型花岗岩的成岩、成矿模式。
A dark monomineral rock consisting of fluorannilite has been found in Suzhou,Jiangsu Province,hosted in the upper part of the alkali feldspar granite derived from the Suzhou A type granite. The rock is characterized by distinctive features of geological occurrence,texture,structure,mineralogy,petrochemistry,geochemistry and mineralization. Macrocosmic and microcosmic geological feature and experimental data of synthetic fluorannite show that the fluorannite monomineral rock was crystallized directly from a high temperature silicate melt derived from the A type granite magma during the late stage and enriched in F,Fe and lithophile ore forming elements as well as alkalies(K>>Na) and relatively poor in water. It is quite evident that the fluorannilite might be regarded as a new magmatic rock type and can be named Gusuite after its location as a kind of magmatic greisen. A possible petro metallogenetic modal has be put forwards for the Suzhou A type granite including the Gusuite,topaz bearing quartz fluorannite greisen(Suzhouite) and fluorannite bearing alkalin feldspar granite.
Geology and Mineral Resources of South China