塔里木盆地西南坳陷上新统阿图什组中发育一套冲积扇进积到内陆湖泊中而形成的扇三角洲沉积体。三角洲层序完整 ,显示清楚向湖进积序列 ;其中 ,扇三角洲平原部分主要以碎屑流成因的块状砂砾岩为主 ,夹扇面河道沉积的含砾砂岩、中粗粒砂岩透镜体及中薄层状漫流沉积。扇三角洲前缘以碎屑流沉积的块状砂砾岩为主 ,夹水下分流河道沉积的砂岩透镜体。前扇三角洲以深灰色页岩。
A type of fan-delta that an alluvial fan progrades into a lake is found in the pliocene Atushi Formation in the Southwest Depression,Tarim Basin. Complete fan-delta sequence shows clearly the progradation sequence of fan-delta. Debris flow sediments that are composed of massive sandstone and conglomerate are dominant in fan-delta plain, with containing lenticular pebbled or coarse sandstone deposited in stream channel and medium-flag sediments formed by unconcentrated flow. Sediments of fan-delta front are mainly composed of massive sandstone and conglomerate deposited by debris flow, containning lenticular sandstone deposited in subaqueous distributary channel. Sediments of prodelta are mainly consist of black-gray shale and siltshale, containing sandstone formed by turbidity current.
Journal of Hebei Institute of Architectural Science & Technology
国家自然科学基金 ( 4 9872 0 5 0 )资助