当代彝族散文创作虽然在许多方面取得很大进展 ,但是在文学观念、审美精神和文体样式等方面还存在许多问题 ,主要表现在受到传统写实观念的禁锢 ,导致其文体样式的陈旧 ,缺乏现代性。彝族散文应超越“博物馆”意识 ,追求文体自觉 ,提升艺术境界和水平。
Although the prose writing of the Yi people has made considerable headway in many ways, there are a lot of problems such as literary ideas,aesthetic spirits and style etc.These problems are mainly traditional realistic ideas,which confine their writing,and result in the old literary form and lack modernity.Yi people prose writing should go beyond 'Museum' consciousness,pursue the consciousness of style, and raise the artistic ideal and level of their writings.
Journal of Guangdong Polytechnical Normal University