兵器目标与环境特性数据库系统安全保密技术一直以来是研究的一个重点 ,保护系统软件与应用软件不被非法复制、篡改、不受病毒的侵害等 ,数据加密技术是为提高信息系统及数据的安全性和保密性 ,防止秘密数据被外部破析所采用的主要技术手段之一。
Safety and encryption of ordnance targets environmental characteristics database is an important study area of safety and encryption in database of ordnance targets and enviromental characteristics, it can also protect system software and application software from copying, modifying illegally and intrusion from virus. Encryption is one of most primary means to increase safety and privacy of information system and data, as well as prevent access of secret data from outsiders.
Guidance & Fuze