故障信息的误发、误传及丢失是影响电网调度中心运行人员准确识别故障的重要因素 ,并可能导致事故的扩大。文中介绍了一种实现故障信息数据滤波的方法 ,该方法将 SCADA系统采集的数据作为数据基 ,建立动态数据库 ,以时间为索引 ,运行方式状态为参照知识库 ,生成剔除了不良信息的、可用以进行故障识别的动态数据链。
Data miss sent, miss transmitted and lost are the main factors of affecting the accuracy of an operator in a dispatching center to recognize power system faults, and can also result in the fault extension. This paper introduces a method of filtering raw fault information. It takes the data collected by SCADA system as data bases to establish a dynamic database, and use the time series as index, operating modes of power system as reference knowledge bases, to generate fault data links in which the bad data have been removed. The data links can be used for fault diagnosis. The principle and implementation details of this method are also described.
Automation of Electric Power Systems