目的 :探讨慢性阻塞性肺疾病 (COPD)俱乐部对病人开展定量压力吸入器 (MDI)知识药学服务的有效性。方法 :对 COPD俱乐部 46名 COPD病人进行 MDI应用知识宣教和 MDI使用方法示范 ,在宣教前后分别应用 A、B两卷考核知识 ,对其中 7名病人测定吸入支气管扩张剂沙丁胺醇 2 0 0 μg前后的最大呼气流量 (PEF) ,并对 MDI操作予以评分。上述观察结果与未进行药学服务的 2 0名对照组比较。结果 :经药学服务宣教后 COPD病人 MDI应用知识评分明显提高 ,MDI操作评分增加 ,吸入支气管扩张剂后 PEF值改善率增高 ,与药学服务前比较 ,两者均呈显著性差异 (P<0 .0 5 )。对照组前后两次上述指标均无显著性变化 (P>0 .0 5 )。 结论
Objective: To study the effects of pharmac eu tical care in metered dose inhaler(MDI) knowledge on patients with chronic obstr uctive pulmonary disease(COPD) in the COPD club. Methods: Forty-six COPD club members were given a lecture about MDI knowledge and demon stration of how to use MDI. The patients knowledge and the handling skill of M DI were assessed. The peak expiratory flow(PEF) was determined in 7 patients be fore and after 15 min of inhaling 200 μg salbutamol, and compared with that bef ore giving lecture. The data mentioned above were compared with those of 20 COP D patients not receiving such pharmaceutical care . Results: In patients receiving pharmaceutical care of the MDI knowledge, the MDI handl ing skill score and the effects of inhaled salbutamol were improved more apparen tly than those in control group. Conclusion: COPD club is a good way to deal pharmaceutical care for COPD patients.
Pharmaceutical Care and Research
pulmonary disease,obstructive
self-help groups
pharmaceutical services