目的 :观察田七增发素的生发作用。方法 :采用大鼠、豚鼠、家兔及小鼠的皮肤温度改变实验 ,皮肤刺激实验 ,过敏实验 ,动物体毛生长实验及光敏实验方法进行。 结果和结论 :田七增发素对大鼠有促进体毛生长的作用 (P<0 .0 5 ) ,无致光敏作用 ,豚鼠皮肤过敏实验阴性 ,有使大鼠皮肤温度升高的作用 ,对大鼠皮肤有一定的刺激性 。
Objective: To study pharmacological action of Tianqi trichogen on hair growth. Methods: The experimen ts on hair growth and stimulation,allergy and temperature change of skin were ca rried out in rats,cavies,rabbits and mice. The photosensitivity test was also pe rformed. Results and conclusion: The hair growth was pro moted obviously in the experimental animals treated with Tianqi trichogen. No ph otoallergy reaction could be observed.The skin allergy test of cavy was negative . The Tianqi trichogen could raise temperature of rat skin.It had slight stimula tory effect on the rat skin but not on the rabbit skin.
Pharmaceutical Care and Research