目的 :观察国产美洛昔康对类风湿关节炎 (RA)的疗效和安全性。 方法 :选取 RA病人 40例 ,试验组口服国产美洛昔康 7.5 mg,2次 / d;对照组口服双氯酚酸钠 5 0 mg,2次 / d。治疗时间为 2 8d。分别观察治疗前后临床指标和炎性实验指标的变化及不良反应。结果 :两组治疗前后组内比较在休息痛、晨僵、关节肿胀指数、关节压痛指数、握力、关节功能、日常生活能力、血沉、C-反应蛋白等方面均有显著性差异 ;而组间比较均无显著性差异。两组有效率无显著性差异 ,而不良反应发生率国产美洛昔康组较低。 结论 :国产美洛昔康对 RA的疗效与双氯酚酸钠相当 。
Objective: To observe the efficac y and safety of domestic meloxicam in treatment of rheumatoid arthritis(RA). Methods: The study was conducted in 40 patients with RA.All of t hem were in line with the RA diagnostic creteria of American College of Rheumato logy.They were divided to receive oral meloxicam 7.5 mg twice daily or diclofena c 50 mg twice daily for 28 d. Results: The effective rate of mel oxicam in treatment of patients with RA had no significant difference with that of diclofenac and the incidence of side effects of meloxicam was low. Co nclusion: The efficacy of domestic meloxicam is similar to that of diclo fenac.
Pharmaceutical Care and Research