目的 介绍提切眉术治疗鱼尾纹及上睑皮肤松垂的体会 ,寻找一种治疗鱼尾纹的简单方法。方法 通过眉上、眉中及眉下切口 ,横行切除宽度为 1.0~ 2 .0cm的皮肤。结果 本组 32 0例 ,提眉 15 0例 ,切除眉尾 14 8例 ,切眉 2 0例 ,切除眉下皮肤 2例。术后随访 3个月至 2年 ,除 4例二次手术后满意外 ,余 316例均一次矫治了鱼尾纹和上睑皮肤松弛 ,同时获得优美的眉形。结论 该方法治疗鱼尾纹效果明显 ,同时具有创伤小。
Objective To introduce the experience on elevating (removing) eyebrow to treat temporal winkles, and look for a simple way to treat temporal winkles. Methods To remove a width of 1.0~2.0cm skin transversly thru supraeyebrow, transeyebrow and infraeyebrow incisions. Results In a total to 320 cases, there were 150 cases done with supraeyebrow incision, 148 cases with removing of eyebrow cauda, 20 cases with removing eyebrow and 2 cases removing infra eyebrow skin. There were no complications in 316 cases through follow-up of 3 to 24 months, temporal wrinkles and blepharochalasis of upper eyelid were corrected, the other 4 cases were satisfactory after a second operation. Conclusion It is an effective method to correct temporal wrinkles with little injury and short convalescent period.
Journal of Practical Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery
Elevating eyebrow
Blepharochalasis temporal