
倒卵叶五加总皂甙对大鼠心肌顿抑的作用 被引量:3

Effects of Saponin of Acanthopanax Obovatus Hoo on myocardial stunning induced by ischemia-reperfusion injury in rats
摘要 目的 探讨倒卵叶五加总皂甙 (SAOH)对大鼠缺血心肌再灌注后心肌顿抑的作用。方法 采用结扎左冠状动脉前降支 30 m in,再灌注复制大鼠心肌缺血 /再灌注损伤 (IRI)的模型 ,结扎前 10 min注射 SAOH,采用左心室插管 ,动态监测左心室心功能 ,并测定心肌再灌注 40 m in时心肌组织三磷腺苷酶 (ATPase)的活性和血浆一氧化氮(NO)。结果  IRI组、SAOH1 组 (5 0 mg/ kg)及 SAOH2 组 (10 0 m g/ kg)在缺血及再灌注过程中左心室收缩压和室内压上升或下降最大速率 (L VSP和± d P/ dtmax)均呈进行性下降 ,但 SAOH组下降趋势较缓。 SAOH组在整个再灌注过程中 ,L VSP和± d P/ dtmax均较 IRI组明显提高 ,甚至 SAOH2 组的 +d P/ dtmax值在再灌注即刻、再灌注 10 m in时即高于假手术组 (P均 <0 .0 1) ,再灌注 2 0 m in、30 min时与假手术组无明显差异。再灌注 40 min时 ,SAOH1 组、SAOH2 组较 IRI组心肌肌膜 Na+- K+- ATPase、Ca2 +- ATPase、Mg2 +- ATPase活性和血浆 NO水平明显升高 (P均<0 .0 1)。结论  SAOH对心肌顿抑有明显的改善作用 ,其机制之一可能与其提高心肌组织 ATPase活性和血浆NO含量 ,减少 Ca2 +超载有关。 Objective to study the effects of Saponin of Acanthopanax Obovatus Hoo (SAOH) on myocardial stunning induced by ischemia-reperfusion injury (IRI) in rats. Methods Ischemia-reperfusion model was induced by left anterior descending coronary artery (LAD) ligation in 30 min, followed by 40min of reperfusion. Pretreated with SAOH, to monitor the changes of ventricular function by intraventricular catheterization, and to detect the level of nitric oxide (NO)in plasma. Resultes The ventricular functions in IRI, SAOH 1(50mg/kg) and SAOH 2(100mg/kg) group were decreased consistently during all the time of myocardial reperfusion, but SAOH groups were decreased slowly. Compared with IRI group, the left ventricular derivative developed force (±dP/dt max) and systolic pressure (LVSP) in SAOH groups were raised during myocardial reperfusion, especially, the level of +dP/dt. maxin SAOH 2 group were higher than sham group at the time of the beginning of reperfusion and reperfusion of 10 min(all P<0.01), and there is no discrepancy between SAOH 2 group and sham group at the time of reperfusion in 20min and 30min. Compared with IRI group, pretreated with SAOH 50, 100mg/kg markedly enhancing the ability of Na +-K +-ATPase, Ca 2+-ATPase, Mg 2+-ATPase in myocardium, and increasing the level of NO (all P<0.01). Conclusions SAOH could obviously ameliorate myocardial stunning. The effects may be associated with increasing the activities of ATPase in myocardium, enchancing the content of NO in plasma, and reducing Ca 2+ overloading.
出处 《中国心血管杂志》 2002年第5期307-310,共4页 Chinese Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine
基金 湖北省教育厅科研基金项目 (编号 98A0 76 )
关键词 倒卵叶五加总皂甙 心肌顿抑 三磷腺苷酶 心功能 一氧化氮 动物模型 SAOH Saponin of acanthopanax obovatus hoo Myocardial stunning Adenosinetriphosphatase Myocardial function Nitric oxide
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