目的 探讨颅鼻沟通瘤的手术入路、修复方法和并发症的防治。方法 1995~ 2 0 0 1年间共收治颅鼻沟通瘤患者 11例 ,均采用颅面联合入路一次性完全切除 ,并应用EC耳脑胶固化的带血管蒂额肌筋膜瓣对前颅底缺损进行一期修补。结果 所有病例均成功完全肉眼切除肿瘤 ,术后无 1例发生颅内感染、脑脊液漏、脑膜膨出等严重并发症。术后病人生存期为 1~ 5年。结论 经颅面联合入路切除颅鼻沟通瘤是一种治疗效果良好且安全、可靠的手术方法 ,EC耳脑胶固化带血管蒂额肌筋膜瓣进行前颅底修补是预防手术后并发症的关键。
Objective To investigate operation approach,repair methods and prevention of complication for tumors in the prebasicranial region.Methods During 1995~2001 11 patients received complete tumors resection through combined craniofacial approach, and the defect was repaired by frowtal muscle and fascial flap solidifial by EC medical glue.Results All tumors were resected completely,without complications of CSF leak and intracranial infection.The patients were in good health with no recurrence foryears.Conclusions The combined craniofacial approach for tumors in the prebasicranial region is a safety ,effective and reliable method.Repairing the defection of nasial crawed by frontal flap solidifial with EC medical glue is the key of prevention to caploceations.
Hebei Medical Journal