目的 研究城市流动人口妇女异位妊娠 (EP)发生特征。方法 对地处城乡结合部的上海市江湾医院妇产科 1994~ 2 0 0 2年上半年间收住的EP患者资料 ,进行与上海本地居民对照比较的回顾性研究。结果 近 9年中 ,该院EP例数占分娩与早、中期流产人数之和的比率为 17.36‰ (35 7/ 2 0 5 6 7) ,流动人口EP数则占7.5 4‰ (15 5 / 2 0 5 6 7) ,且呈现逐年升高趋势 ,本地居民EP发生则呈逐年下降趋势 ,P均 <0 .0 5。前者未婚比例为 15 .48% ,显著高于后者 4.95 % ,P <0 .0 0 1。而年龄更趋年轻化 ,出血量较多。结论 流动人口EP高发生率可能为影响上海整体EP发生率的重要因素 ,应加强卫生宣教。
Objective To investigate the special characteristics of ectopic pregnancies in the transit urban population originating from rural areas. Methods Located at the border of Shanghai City, Jiangwan Hospital Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology has measured the numbers of ectopic pregnancies occurring in the transit population form 1994-the first half of 2002 in comparison with the number in earlier studies. Results In the past 9 years, the number of EP in the hospital as a percentage of all births in labour, miscarriages, premature births is 17.36‰ (357/20 567). The number of EP the transit population as a percentage is 7.54‰(155/20 567). Demonstrating a steady increase each year over the previous while in the hospital's Shanghai resident population the rate of occurrence has actually decreased in the same period. In the former population, the percentage of patients who are unmarried is 15.48% very noticeably higher than the Shanghai resident population's percentage of 4.95% P<0.001, The age of those with EP is also noticeably getting younger and younger and the quantity of hemorrhaging is increasing. Conclusion The immigrant population's high rate of EP is perhaps a major cause of the increased rate of EP in the whole of Shanghai .Therefore it is necessary to increase the educational propaganda for prevention and early treatment of pelvic infections.
Shanghai Medical Journal
Transit population
Ectopic Pregnancy
Shanghai residents
Comparative study.