目的 观察后组筛窦、蝶窦和视神经管的相互关系,为鼻窦病变的CT诊断和临床应用提供依据。方法 对60例正常人筛窦、蝶窦和视神经管进行CT扫描,39例行横断层加冠状扫描,21例于横断层扫描后加冠状扫描。结果 根据后组筛窦蝶窦的位置关系分为蝶前型(49.2%),蝶侧型(36.7%)和蝶上型(14.2%)。根据后组筛窦与视神经管的位置关系可以分成:管前型(46.7%),管口间型(23.3%),管后型(13.3%),蝶鞍型(10%)和管周型(6.7%)。结论 CT扫描是观察副鼻窦和视神经管最重要方法,能为临床副鼻窦疾病手术提供依据。
Objective To study the anatomical relationship between ethmoid sinus,sphenoid sinus & optic canal, & to provide data for CT diagnosis & clinical usefulness of paranasal sinus diseases. Methods CT scans of ethmoid & sphenoid sinuses were taken in 60 normal individual, All the subjects were performed axial & cornal CT scans (n=60). Results According to the relation of posterior ethmoid sinus(PES) to sphenoid sinus. The PES were divided as follows: antero-sphenoid (49. 2%) ,latero - sphenoid (36. 7%) and supero-shenoid (14. 2%) types. Based on the relation between posterior ethmoid sinus & the optic canal>the PES were divided into antero-canal (46. 7%) intero-holes (23. 3%) , posterocanal (13. 3%),sellar (10%) & circumcanal (6. 7%) types,respectively. Conclusions For obser-vating the anatomical relationship between ethmoid sinus,Sphenoid sinus & opeic canal,CT scan was important, that could offer useful anatomical data for clinical & surgery in paranasal sinus lesions.
Journal of Qiqihar Medical University