目的 探讨桡骨远端关节面骨折移位 ,复位、固定后腕关节腔内注射透明质酸钠效果观察。方法 1 998年 1月— 2 0 0 1年1月 ,对 2 2例桡骨远端关节内骨折移位、闭合复位或切开复位内固定后腕关节腔内注射透明质酸钠注射液 2ml,石膏外固定。复位后第三天腕关节腔内再次注射透明质酸钠 2ml。此后每周注射一次 ,直至 4周拆除石膏。通过随访评价疗效。结果 所有患者笪位后随访 6~ 2 2个月 ,2 0例骨折完全愈合 ,功能恢复正常 ,2例骨折完全愈合 ,剧烈活动时腕关节有隐痛 ,但功能基本不受限。疗效优良。结论 桡骨远端关节内骨折复位后腕关节腔内注射透明质酸钠能促进损伤的关节软骨愈合及功能恢复。
Objective To explore the efficacy of intra-articular injection of sodium hyaluronate in post redaction of displaced intra-articular fractures of the distal radius. Methods From January 1998 to January 2001, 22 patients suffering from displaced intra-articular fracture of distal radius were operated on for reduction, and received 2ml of sodium hyaluronate injection in intra-articular cavity and the carpus articular were fixed and given a second intra-articular injection on the 3rd day after reduction. Then, the patients were given sodium hyalurorate injection intra-articularly at a week interval till the plast was removed after 4 weeks. All patient were followed up to evaluate the results of the treatment. Results The 20 patients were cured completely without any symptoms, and their wrist functions and daily living activities became normal. 2 patients felt pain in violent activities, but their functions were virtually unlimited. Conclusion Intra-articular injection of sodium hyaluronate is an effective treatment for intra-articular displaced fracture of the end of radius.
Chinese Journal of Coal Industry Medicine
End of radius Intra-articular Displaced fracture Sodium hyaluronate Articular cavity Injection