作者报道30例经空气灌肠成功复位的病例。讨论了肠套叠的病理机制,空气灌肠复位的操作方法。复位成功的 X 线表现以及并发症。作者认为空气灌复位肠套叠是一种良好的诊断治疗方法.只要严格选择病例.细微的操作.空气灌肠复位将对肠套叠取得很好的治疗效果。
30 Dept of Radiology talies with intesseception,in which the redisplacement had been achieved by air enema were reported.The pathologic mechanism or intesseception,the methods of redisplacement by air enema,X-ray appearence of redisplacement as well as complication were discussed.Authors believe the air enema is the best method for intesseception diagnosis and therapy without surgery.If we select the cases carefully and operating carefully, air enema redisplacement will have achieved to the best therapeutic result.