采用TEM、SEM等分析仪器研究了 4 .5mm 6 7CrVA弹簧钢丝经 92 0℃ 3.15min奥氏体化后 ,在 5 0 0℃、5 4 0℃和 6 0 0℃的温度下铅浴处理 2min后的显微组织 ,指出 6 7CrVA弹簧钢丝在 5 4 0℃~ 5 6 0℃铅浴温度处理后断面收缩率出现低谷的原因是组织中条。
Adopting such analysis instrument as TEM and SEM to study the microstructure of 4.5?mm 67CrVA spring steel wire which is austenitized at 920?℃?for 3.15?min and is patented 2?min at 500?℃,540?℃and 600?℃respectively,it is pointed that the reduction of area of the wire appears a low valley when patented at 540~560?℃ because of stripe or chain pearl cementite carbide being around stripe and lump ferrite.
Metal Products
国家"8 63"计划新材料领域资助项目
合同号 :715- 0 12- 0 170。