This paper analyses the cause of deathos of 22 cases with esophagus cardiae cancer,and suggests Some measures for reducing death rate. Operation Should not be conducted if preoperative patients are in poor condition and the cauler is too big,special attentiou Should be paid to the managemant of accompanied respiratory and circulatory diseases.The patients should stop smoking,lungs infection should be controlled Tranfuse blood if n(?)cessary,and c(?)rr(?)t electrolyte discrclers,7 patients in this group alied of respiratory failure caused by lungs complications.5 patients died of port-operatire anastomotic leakage.4 patients died of respiratory failure caused by thoracic complications.lmmediate diagnosis and management of the complications and are important in reducing operational death rate. Anesthetic medicine and equipmeut if used incorrectly,may cause sudder respiratory and hoentbeat stop.