研究了用硫化钠和乙酸铅制备硫化铅。从PbS-H2 O系E-pH图的热力学稳定区可以看出 ,控制电位E在 0 2 5~ - 0 15之间 ,pH值在 2~ 7之间的时候 ,就可以得到硫化铅沉淀 ,而PbSO4和PbO·PbSO4是不会生成的。根据x-射线衍射结果证明制备的产物是硫化铅。硫化铅的产率可以达到 92 % (重量 )。与其它方法相比较 ,本方法具有操作简单、无有害气体生成、产率高等优点。
According to the thermodynamic zones on E-pH diagarm of PbS-H 2O system,when E values are controoled in the range of -0.15 to 0.25 and pH value is 2 to 7,the lead sulphide precipitate is obstained without formation of PbSO 4 and PbO·SO 4.The product lead sulphide is identified and proved by X-ray diffraction.The output ratio of lead sulfide is about 92%(weight).This method has advantages of easy operation,high productivity and no harmful gasious product.
Yunnan Metallurgy