介绍一种新型消除蜗轮副传动间隙的结构设计。它主要是由横截剖分蜗轮———弹簧———斜块———滚珠构成的。这种结构可传递较大的扭矩 ,并保证传动时无间隙。如用步进马达驱动蜗杆 ,配合以感应同步器、数显表 ,便可实现数控数显。并对斜块受力进行了分析 。
This article introduces a new devise to eliminate the space between Worm gear assistant lumps. It is mainly made up of cross section worm gear_spring_slanting lumps_ball. Such a structure is able to pass on comparatively big torque and guarantees no gap existing during the pass. If stepped motor_driven worm gear is used together with induction synchronous appliances and a data display meter,data_control display can then be obtained. In this article, press on the lump is analyzed and relevant calculation formula are also given.
Supplement to the Journal of Sun Yatsen University