基于甲基托布津与 Cu2 + 在氨水中发生络合反应 ,生成沉淀 ,再经离心分离后 ,移取上清液 ,通过与显色剂5 -Br-PADAP在乳化剂 OP增敏作用下显色后 ,用分光光度法测定 ,建立了测定甲基托布津含量的新方法 .该方法灵敏度高 ,检出限低 ,检出范围为 (0 -3 .1 mg/ 2 5 m L) ,并做了回收率实验 。
A new spectrophotonetric method for determination of the content of thiophanate methyl is studied.The method is based on the precipitation reaction of thiophanate methyl with copper(Ⅱ) in ammonia medium,and the color reaction of unreacted copper(Ⅱ) with 5 Br PADAP in the presence of PH=9 ammonia solution and emulgent op.Beer\'s law is followed in the range of 0~3.1mg/25mL at 550nm.The color of aqueous solution is stable for 12 hours.This method is used for determining of the content of thiophanate methyl with satisfactory recoveries.
Journal of Xinjiang University(Natural Science Edition)