Oxygen is introduced into the sulfurized isobutylene by compounding the sulfurized isobutylene with thioester,This paper studies the synergistic effet of commingling the sulfurized isobutylene with thioester during testing in the four-ball maching and the hihg-speed Timken maching ,Tests in the four-ball machine and the high-speed Timken machine have revealed an improvement in EP perforance of sulfurized isobutylene in admixture with thiosester The interfacial tension test and electrochenical analysis of anodic polariztion have discovered increase of adsorptive force of the additive package on metal surface following compounding sulfrized isobutylene with thioester,The XPS and AES analyees indicate to the formation of FeS,Fe2O3 and FeSO4,on the metal surface.The sulfurized film formed by the additive package on the metal surface is thicker than that formed by simple sulfurized isobutylene.