我国加入WTO后 ,国外产品将大量涌入甚至可能出现大规模的倾销 ,鉴于此 ,我国的反倾销法有必要做出有效的应对。本文从两方面提出了应对的方向 ,一方面通过完善反倾销法强化对国内产业的保护 ,另一方面反倾销法的完善又必须置于国际反倾销法领域的框架下 ,符合WTO反倾销协议的基本规则。
Anti dumping law of our state should add some new provisions concering the fact that,after China's entry into WTO,foreign products will pour in,even dump in large scale.This paper presents two possible solutions.One is to strengthen the protection of domestic industry by improving anti dumping law.The other is that the improvement of anti dumping law should be incorporated into the framework of international anti dumping low,in acccord with the fundamental principles of the Anti dumping agrement made by WTO.
Journal of Gansu Political Science and Law Institute